Pregnancy Supplements: What To Take And What To Avoid

Pregnancy Supplements: What To Take And What To Avoid

Congratulations – you’re pregnant! Now, given that your little one absorbs almost everything you ingest through the placenta, you probably already know the importance of getting enough essential nutrients in your diet and are now considering purchasing supplements to help meet the daily requirements.

But – what to take, which are safe, and which aren’t during pregnancy? If you’re overwhelmed, don’t worry; this article will help you out.

Supplements to take during pregnancy

#1 – Folic acid

Meet the pregnancy super-nutrient you’ll want to add to your plate throughout all nine months: folic acid. It plays a critical role in the production of your little one’s heart and circulatory system and helps develop your developing baby’s brain and spinal cord.

Research also shows that folic acid supplementation during pregnancy can help reduce the risk of neural-tube defects (congenital disabilities) in your child!

#2 – Calcium

Calcium is vital to healthy bones and teeth, and the same applies to your developing baby. Your baby will take all the calcium she needs from your body for the development of her bones and teeth.

If you’re not ingesting sufficient amounts of calcium, your body will leach the calcium from your bones to provide it to your baby. And as you can imagine, that makes you incredibly susceptible to osteoporosis. You don’t want that now, do you? Consider calcium supplements if you don’t think you’re getting enough calcium in your diet.

#3 – Iron

As your blood volume increases during pregnancy, your iron needs grow as well. Iron is essential for making haemoglobin, the component of blood that shuttles oxygen throughout the body and to your baby.

If you don’t get in enough iron, you may run the risk of becoming anaemic. And not only would that cause you to feel sluggish, but it can also inhibit the growth of your baby!

#4 – Fish oil

When you take fish oil, you’re killing two birds with one stone. How so? Well, that’s because fish oil contains DHA and EPA – the two essential fatty acids that are crucial for your baby’s brain development.

Research has found that the supplementation of DHA and EPA during pregnancy may boost infants’ cognitive functions. Also, some evidence suggests that fish oil may benefit your baby’s eye development.

#5 – Prenatal supplement

If the thought of gulping down five different supplements scares you, here’s some good news. You can (nearly) get all the nutrients you’d need to support a healthy pregnancy through supplementing with a prenatal vitamin. The fewer pills you need to pop, the better, right?

While there are many options available in the market, you should ensure that the one you choose contains the previously-mentioned essential nutrients: folic acid, iron, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids, like DHA.

Supplements to avoid during pregnancy

One word: herbs. In general, you should avoid supplementing with anything herbal during pregnancy. Here’s a brief list of herbal supplements you need to avoid – at all costs.

1. Black cohosh – can cause uterine contractions, in turn inducing preterm labour.
2. Goldenseal – might worsen jaundice in infants, leading to a rare type of brain damage (kernicterus) that can be fatal.
3. Dong Quai – may stimulate uterine contractions, increasing the risk of miscarriage.
4. Pennyroyal – thought to be a stimulator for the menstrual process and uterine contractions, leading to the expulsion of the fetus and placenta.
5. Mugwort – can stimulate a woman’s menstrual cycle and, therefore, should be avoided by expectant women.

5 Tips For A Healthy Pregnancy

5 Tips For A Healthy Pregnancy

You’re probably well aware of some of the essential pregnancy advice – like not smoking or drinking, and getting enough rest – about taking care of yourself and your developing baby. So, if you’re sick of hearing the same old advice, here are 5 less common pregnancy tips that can help ensure healthy development for your baby.

#1 – Follow a healthy diet

Enveloped in warm, amniotic fluid, your baby gets all the nutrients she needs from you through the placenta. To ensure that you’re meeting her needs for rapid growth and development, you need to include a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products in your diet.

If you’re still unsure of how much and what you should eat during pregnancy, it never hurts to consult your primary health care doctor for individualized advice.

#2 – Take a prenatal vitamin

While a healthy diet remains the best way to get all the nutrients you need, sometimes you can still fall short despite trying your best. And that’s where prenatal vitamins can help.

Most prenatal supplements contain more folic acid and iron than other standard adult multivitamins. Here’s why:

Folic acid – helps prevent severe abnormalities of your baby’s brain and spinal cord.

Iron – helps prevent anaemia, a condition where your blood has a low number of healthy red blood cells.

In addition to the above, prenatal vitamins also typically contain essential nutrients such as calcium, iron, and magnesium, to better support the growth and development of your baby.

#3 – Stay active

You might not know this, but it’s critical to keep moving even when you’re expecting. Exercising when you’re pregnant can help you control your weight, reduce stress, improve circulation, boost your mood, and sleep better.

As a general rule, if you were physically active before your pregnancy, you can continue your activity in moderation. And if you’ve never exercised regularly before, you should consult with your health care provider before starting on an exercise program.

#4 – Track your weight gain

If there’s ever a time you can gain weight without any guilt, it’s during pregnancy. But with that said, you still need to put the weight on slowly and steadily, while remaining within the healthy range for your body type, so you steer clear of potential health complications.

While you should consult your primary health care provider regarding the exact weight you need to gain throughout your pregnancy, here’s a rough guide for your reference:

BMI of less than 18.5: You should gain 12.5 to 18 kilograms.
BMI between 18.5 and 24.9: You should gain between 11.5 to 16 kilograms.
BMI between 25 and 29.9: You should gain between 7 to 11.5 kilograms.

#5 – Drink more water

Your blood volume increases by up to 50% during pregnancy! And so, to support this gain, you need to drink more water.

By staying adequately hydrated, you can prevent haemorrhoids, constipation, UTIs, fatigue, swelling, headaches, and many other uncomfortable pregnancy symptoms. Score! Aim for 8 to 10 glasses of water per day.

Best Probiotics to Support Your Digestive and Immune Systems

Best Probiotics to Support Your Digestive and Immune Systems

What are Probiotics?

When we think or hear words like bacteria, viruses, germs etc. we often assume them to be bad. However, our body consists of trillions of bacteria that help us to maintain the health of our body. Surprised? Confused? Sounds weird?  If you have not heard the word probiotic before it is but obvious.

If you break down the word probiotic the literal meaning of it would be “for life”.Probiotics are living microorganisms rightly known as good bacteria. There are various types of probiotics and each one has a different characteristic. The most common probiotics are lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium. Lactobacillus is found in yogurt or in foods that have undergone a fermentation process. Bifidobacterium is also found in dairy products. Research has shown that including probiotics in your diet can actually increase your immunity and maintain the overall health of your gut. In addition, these “good” bacteria can actually lessen the severity of any allergies, reduce cholesterol levels and recurrent UTIs, improve your overall metabolism, aid in lowering blood pressure etc. Let us see in detail how it can affect your digestive and immune system.

How Probiotics can do wonders for your digestive and immune system

Patients who need to take severe antibiotics usually suffer from the side effect of diarrhea. The strong medication while targeting bad bacteria may also kill good bacteria. To compensate for this, the doctors often prescribe a supplement in the form of probiotic. Lactobacillus acidophilus, in particular, is highly recommended to patients suffering from antibiotic-associated diarrhea. Probiotics help in controlling the functioning of nerves present in the gut. Lactobacillus is helpful for patients who cannot digest lactose or sugar present in the milk. Nowadays probiotics are usually taken as an alternative or complementary medicine to maintain the overall health of your digestive system. Constipation is another condition caused due to improper digestion of food making the patient feel uncomfortable. This condition occurs mainly because the balance of intestinal flora is disturbed. This is where the probiotics will help you to balance the intestinal flora. It is also used in the treatment of ulcerative colitis.

When harmful bacteria dominate, gut health is disturbed. This, in turn, results in reducing the production of vital enzymes and vitamins. The immune system is thus weakened leading to serious health issues. In the earlier days the soil, water, and food had all the required good bacteria which we used to consume through the food we get. But the modern lifestyle has hampered their numbers. Moreover, things like tobacco consumption, processed foods, caffeine, antacids, reduce the number of good bacteria present in your body. Therefore it is essential to include probiotics to boost your gut health and immune system. These good bacteria protect the intestinal lining and don’t let the viruses enter in your blood. The pathogens are restricted from entering the gastrointestinal tract. These friendly bacteria enhance the functioning of enzymes resulting in better absorption of nutrients to the maximum capacity.

To conclude we can safely say that probiotics do wonders to our digestive system. They maintain the health of the gastrointestinal tract and prevent the invasion of harmful viruses, germs etc. thus increasing our immunity. However, if you are consuming a probiotic supplement it is best to take your doctor’s advice.

The Top Supplements You Should be Taking this Winter

The Top Supplements You Should be Taking this Winter

Top Supplements You Should be Taking this Winter-

Winter is here and we all welcome the new year with great joy. However, with the change in weather people may be prone to a cough, cold, fever, throat infection, etc. To avoid this, let’s make a resolution to be fit and healthy. With the onset of New Year, let us promise ourselves to take a properly balanced diet, exercise and include supplements for the winter season.

Why Supplements are Essential?

Taking supplements has become an integral part of our lives. We cannot entirely rely on our diet for the supply of nutrients. Every one or two persons in a family, be it a child, young or old, is seen popping a multivitamin pill. This is because of today’s hectic lifestyle, disturbed environmental balance, processed foods, nutrient-depleted soils, environmental toxins etc. These factors have compelled us to take supplements in the form of vitamins, probiotics, etc.

People include dietary supplements in the form of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes,  herbs to promote a healthier lifestyle. The most trending supplement is multivitamins. To boost your nutritional content, here is a quick list of vitamins that are essential especially in winter :

  1. Vitamin C
  2. Vitamin D
  3. Vitamin B
  4. Zinc

We will discuss the importance of each one of these supplements in the coming series. Let us now discuss Vitamin C also known as ascorbic acid with great antioxidant properties.

Vitamin C as a Supplement

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that cannot be stored in the body. Ideally, you should get all the required quantity of vitamin C from your daily diet. If the quantity is not enough, include it as a dietary supplement. An average individual aged 20 to 60 will need at least 40 mg of vitamin C. This value may be on the higher side in pregnant and lactating women. Deficiency of this vitamin may lead to scurvy, poor wound healing, joint pain, bleeding gums, anaemia, etc.  Let us try to gain more knowledge about the role of vitamin C in our body.

Importance of Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a vital nutrient responsible for several bodily functions as listed below:

  1. Fighting  infections
  2. Speeding up wound healing
  3. Production of collagen and neurotransmitters
  4. Promoting better absorption of iron
  5. Lowering the risk of cataracts
  6. Helping in the treatment of cancer
  7. Deterioration of kidneys, nerves, and eyes is reduced to a great extent especially in diabetic patients
  8. Maintaining cardiovascular health
  9. Maintaining cholesterol levels

Vitamin C has great antioxidant properties. It boosts your immunity level by almost 30% by helping white blood cells to function more effectively. It strengthens the defence system of your skin, relaxes the blood vessels, in turn, reducing the blood pressure levels. It helps in significantly reducing the bad LDL which in turn lowers the risk of heart disease. It aids in better absorption of iron thus reducing the risk of anaemia. It improves your memory thereby reducing the risk of dementia. It helps in repairing tissue and reducing the damage caused by inflammation.  It aids in the prevention of oxidation of other molecules or may regenerate other antioxidants in the body, especially during the treatment of cancer. The rate at which the growth of cancerous tissue occurs is reduced to a great extent by this vitamin. Production of collagen is an important function which helps in metabolizing proteins. However make sure you consult your doctor before taking this supplement as high dosage may lead to nausea, diarrhoea, gastrointestinal upset, kidney stones etc.

Hope you have understood that to achieve optimum health, there is no alternative but to include vitamin C as your winter supplement.

How Probiotics Can Help with Viral Infections

How Probiotics Can Help with Viral Infections

What is viral infection?

Due to drastic changes in human ecology like the increased movement of people to geographical areas, global warming, etc. the risk of viral infections has increased dramatically. Whenever we visit a doctor for cold, cough or fever, the most common reason given by the health professional is a viral infection. Viral infection as the name suggests is nothing but the infection caused by a virus that has entered our body. Viruses can invade our body only with the help of host as they are unable to reproduce on their own. Viruses use the host as a medium to introduce their genetic material into the cells and start multiplying the count of viruses. During this process, the host cell is killed thus making a freeway for the newly formed virus particles. Once these virus particles are set free they are all set to attack the other cells in the body. Viral infection can be caused by food, air, water, touch, insects, contaminated needles, sexual contact etc.  To prevent the attack of viruses and to increase our immunity it is essential that you include probiotics as a part of your diet or if required in the form of supplements. Let us see in detail how probiotics can help us to fight viral infections.

How Probiotics can help with viral infections

Vaccination is one of the best measures to prevent the attack of viruses. In case it happens then taking antiviral drugs is the best measure to fight it out or to just let the illness run through its course is another way out. Antivirus drugs do not kill the virus but its growth is inhibited. The most common viral infections are gastrointestinal and respiratory infections.  With increased resistance to antiviral drugs and antibiotics, treatment of viral infections is really becoming a challenge.  In such scenarios including probiotics is a safe alternative to reduce the risk of such type of infections.

The exact mechanism of how probiotics work is not known. However, a recent study shows that they might be balancing the local microbiota or alleviating the severity and duration of the acute virus. It may also be enhancing the immune response or inhibiting the growth of the virus.

Our body contains good bacteria and bad bacteria. The overuse of antibiotics hampers the immune system thus removing both good and bad bacteria. In addition, antibiotics cause side effects like diarrhea. This creates an adverse effect on our immunity and health. Recent research has led to the conclusion that probiotics can be effective. Moreover if given in combination with antibiotics it can reduce the risk of diarrhea. The digestive tract contains a maximum number of good bacteria thus providing a direct effect on our immunity. Therefore it is essential to keep these bacteria alive. This can be done by including a diet that contains good bacteria, the most popular source being yogurt. Stick to naturally fermented foods for your daily dose of probiotics. In case this does not suffice your requirement you can take a probiotic supplement by consulting your health professional.

Avoid Catching Colds and Flu this winter

Avoid Catching Colds and Flu this winter

Avoid Catching Colds and Flu this Winter

Winter is the season when the viruses are in full action and infections become more prevalent. During winter there are almost more than 150 plus common cold viruses and flu bugs that are constantly evolving and circulating in the environment. Doctors have patients complaining of cold, hacking coughs, sore throats, flu, etc.  If you are in contact with such patients it is but obvious that you will catch the infection. Immunity in such cases plays a strong role in helping you to stay away from cold or flu. Here is a quick list of remedial measures that are simple yet effective to ward off the winter prone infections like cold and flu.

  1. Wash your hands: Remember the basic hygiene lesson that was taught to us by our parents and teachers? Yes right. Wash your hands thoroughly before and after your meals, be it breakfast, lunch or dinner. This is the simplest method to drain down the viruses and dilute the germs that may have accumulated on your hands. Make sure you wash your hands after you return home.
  2. Avoid touching your hands here and there: Yes that sounds childish, but research has shown that most of the cold viruses are transmitted when we use our hands for handshake during meetings or wiping the nose or rubbing our eyes. The infection is transmitted through the mucus membrane. If you have shaken hands just before or after a meeting is over make sure you run lots of water over your hands to ensure they are clean. The same thumb rule to be followed when you open or close a doorknob. Therefore make sure you keep your hands off.
  3. Get enough sleep: When you wish each other good night, it really has an in-depth meaning when it comes to keeping away cold and flu. Doctors have suggested that good sleep means at least eight to ten hours to increase your immunity and make you feel fresh and fit to fight the infections.
  4. Exercise and sweat: It is not easy for anyone to get out of bed and start exercising. But it is so important that you sweat it out. A regular workout will increase your immunity and take it to a higher level.
  5. Avoid close contact: Stay away from people who are already infected. Ensure that you don’t share your personal belongings like towels, toothbrushes, cups etc. with them.
  6. Include a diet containing garlic and zinc: Zinc boosts the immune system and is found in eggs, seafood, oysters, black-eyed peas, tofu, etc. Garlic helps in easing out chest related issues.
  7. Stay warm: The cold virus which may be in the dormant stage gets triggered in the chilly winters. So keep yourself wrapped in warm winter clothes.
  8. Stay hydrated: If you catch a cold and are dehydrated, your mucus lining dries up and become thicker. This will make an easy passage for the bacteria and viruses to invade. Therefore, drink at least eight to ten glasses of water to flush out the infections.

If you follow the above-mentioned things, there are fewer chances of getting cold and flu this winter.  Despite taking care if you fall sick to make sure you consult your doctor for the speedy recovery.

How Vitamins C & D Can Help Treat Obesity

How Vitamins C & D Can Help Treat Obesity

Obesity is an emerging problem these days. It is a major health threat across the world. It is a condition wherein there is excess fat accumulation. This obesity is measured in the form of a body mass index that is BMI. Higher the BMI, greater is the risk of associated diseases like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, osteoarthritis, obstructive sleep apnea, etc. However, this problem can be controlled by eating healthy food, including physical activities, exercise etc. Ever thought that even vitamin intake can reduce this problem? The answer to this is “yes”. Vitamin C and D play a crucial role in controlling obesity. Let us see how.

  1. Vitamin C: Due to unbalanced oxidative stress people are affected by various diseases as mentioned above. To fight this, taking antioxidants aids in reducing obesity. Vitamin C has antioxidant properties. It helps you to speed up your metabolism rate of fats which in turn helps you to reduce body fat. According to a recent study it was seen that people who are deficient in vitamin C have a hard time losing their excess fat. Individuals taking an adequate dosage of this vitamin were able to oxidize thirty percent more fat when combined with moderate physical activity. Abdominal fat is responsible for high-risk diseases. This vitamin plays a key role in controlling stress by bringing stress hormone cortisol to the normal level. This, in turn, ends up in storing less fat in the abdominal region. Only taking a high dosage of vitamin C would not do the magic. It is equally important that your calorie intake is balanced with proper exercise.

Sources: Cabbage, broccoli, plums, potatoes, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, or vitamin C supplements.

  1. Vitamin D: Vitamin D plays an important role in reducing your excess fat, especially the area above your belt that is belly fat. The individuals with large waistlines were found to be deficient in vitamin D. Recent studies indicate that individuals with BMI higher than thirty had the lower level of vitamin D. The special receptors for this vitamin give a sign whether the fat should be burnt or stored.  In case there is deficiency then the body increases the number as well as the size of cells that form fat. This eventually leads to an increase in obesity of the abdomen.  Calcium deficiency is mostly linked to vitamin D deficiency.  This, in turn, results in an increased level of production of synthase. This is the fatty acid enzyme that gets converted into fats. Vitamin D is vital for the shrinking of fat cells. This clearly indicates that vitamin D will help to lose weight and burn your belly fat.

Sources: Egg yolks, salmons, mushrooms, soy milk, cheese, beef liver, fatty fish, dairy products, cod liver oil, or vitamin D supplements.

Now that you are aware make sure you include sources that are rich in vitamin C and D. If you find your diet is not sufficient, take help of your physician to know the exact dosage of the supplement you require to stay fit and healthy.

Importance of Vitamin B

Importance of Vitamin B

Vitamin B: The Power Pack Group of Vitamins

“Prevention is better than cure” is what we have learned in our childhood. Good health is directly proportional to good nutrition. You will be in a good position to fight and prevent the attack of diseases. Vitamin B plays a crucial role in preventive care and promoting a healthy metabolism.

Types of Vitamin B

Vitamin B also popularly known as B complex is a group of eight water-soluble vitamins. Out of the thirteen vitamins that are needed by our body, eight of these form the vitamin B group. These cannot be stored by the body. They have to be consumed through food or supplements. The 8 types of vitamin B are:

  • Thiamin (B1)
  • Riboflavin (B2)
  • Niacin (B3)
  • Pantothenic acid
  • Vitamin B6
  • Biotin (B7)
  • Folate and Folic acid
  • Vitamin B12

Significance of Vitamin B

  • Thiamin: It plays an important role in converting glucose into energy thereby improving your metabolism rate. You can get thiamin in wheat germ, legumes, sesame seeds, nuts, pork, yeast, peas, fresh and dried fruits, etc. The recommended dosage for adults in the age group of 20 to 60 is 1 mg for men and 0.8 for women.
  • Riboflavin: It is responsible for energy production.  It improves your skin health and aids in better vision.  It keeps your nervous system healthy. Milk, rice, cottage cheese, rice, leafy green vegetables, egg white are good sources. Make sure you keep these sources away from direct sunlight as they may destroy riboflavin. The recommended dosage for adults 1.3 mg for men and 1.1 for women.
  • Niacin: It plays a significant role in DNA production and repair and metabolism. Food sources for this vitamin are lentils, tuna, chicken, milk, fish, mushrooms. The recommended dosage for adults is 16.5 mg for men and 13.2 for women.
  • Pantothenic acid: It is essential for the production of red blood cells, steroid hormones and helps to metabolize proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and alcohol. Include beef, chicken, potatoes, tomatoes, broccoli, eggs etc. to maintain the level of this vitamin.
  • Vitamin B6: It is also called pyridoxine.  It helps in the formation of hemoglobin found in red blood cells, which helps to carry oxygen. It is involved in amino acid metabolism and the creation of neurotransmitters. Meat and poultry, cereal grains, soya beans, peanuts, milk, eggs, and leafy vegetables are rich sources of food for this vitamin. The recommended dosage for adults is 1.4 mg for men and 1.2 for women.
  • Biotin (B7): The bacteria which occur naturally in your bowel are able to make biotin. It aids in breaking down fat and glycogen. Make sure you consume egg yolks, chicken, cauliflower in your diet.
  • Folate and Folic acid: Folate plays a crucial role in cell division, cell growth, the formation of red and white blood cells and promoting metabolism of amino acids. Good sources of folate are leafy green vegetables, seeds, legumes, chickpeas, broccoli citrus fruits, and cereals. 200 micrograms of folate are highly recommended. Pregnant women may require higher dosage.
  • Vitamin B12: It is needed for maintaining the health of your nervous system, producing energy by breaking down amino acids and fatty acids and forming red blood cells. It is found in animal sources like seafood, eggs, meats, and dairy.

In case of deficiency, you need to level up the requirement by taking Vitamin B supplements. Consult your dietician or doctor today. This power packed group of vitamins will help you to B positive.

Importance of Vitamin D and Why is it Good for Your Health

Importance of Vitamin D and Why is it Good for Your Health

Importance of Vitamin D

As the winters get darker day by day getting a daily dose of vitamins becomes all the more essential. Vitamins play an important role in the overall functioning of our body. They act as a medium through which we can achieve the aim of leading a healthy lifestyle. A recent study has shown that most of the adults experience a drop in their levels of vitamin D, especially during winters.

Functions of Vitamin D

Vitamin D popularly known as the sunshine vitamin is a fat-soluble vitamin. It plays an important role in absorption of calcium and phosphate thereby maintaining the health of our teeth, muscles, and bones. Some studies have shown that vitamin D aids in reducing fat accumulation thereby resulting in effective weight loss. It also helps in increasing the levels of serotonin a neurotransmitter that is responsible for controlling appetite, decreasing calorie intake by making you feel satiated. This, in turn, triggers weight loss.

Vitamin D Deficiency

Lack of vitamin D may result in poor bone health. This means you are at a higher risk of suffering from fractures as your bones are weak. It may also lead to osteomalacia, osteoporosis, and rickets in children. It is also linked to autoimmune diseases, deadly cancers, and heart disease. Recent research shows that if the pregnant woman is deficient in this vitamin it may lead to complications and premature delivery of babies. The other side effects include muscle pain, hair loss, back pain, impaired wound healing, fatigue, depression etc.

Associated Risk Factors

The main risk factor is directly linked with the people who are less exposed to sunlight, that is who spend maximum time of their day staying indoors. People with dark skin are prone to this deficiency. Melanin, the pigment present in their skin acts as an obstacle to make this vitamin D. The kidneys are responsible for the conversion of this vitamin in its active form. Therefore, those with kidney problems may be at a higher risk. The individuals with digestive disorders hamper the ability to absorb this vitamin. People who are obese have excess body fat. Vitamin D instead of getting circulated gets trapped in these fat tissues. Now that we know the risk factors, let us take a step to know the sources of vitamin D.

Sources of Vitamin D

The best way to get vitamin D naturally is from sunlight. Bathe yourself in the morning sunlight for at least five to thirty minutes to get your quota of vitamin D. Expose your body and let the sun kiss your body. However, make sure you have not applied any sunscreen. Take proper care to cover yourself if your skin turns red or you are getting a burning sensation. You can get vitamin D from egg yolks, liver, red meat, oily fish like sardines, salmon, mackerel, etc. Adding a supplement containing ten grams of vitamin D is highly recommended for every individual. For babies, vitamin D drops are easily available.

Now that you know the significance of this vitamin, make sure you expose yourself to the sunlight or at least consult your doctor to know the exact amount of supplement you need to take to meet your optimal level of vitamin D.

Health Benefits of Kyolic Aged Garlic Extracts

Health Benefits of Kyolic Aged Garlic Extracts

Kyolic Aged Garlic

Garlic has been well known for its health benefits for thousands of years including heart health and immunity support. For some people, raw garlic can be difficult to digest and can cause mild stomach aches and heartburn. Its pungent smell as well doesn’t do any favour for bad breath.

There are different ways to process garlic into consumable concentrates. However, not all these methods are equal when it comes to the outcome and its health benefits. For instance, garlic powders and oils are the results of heat processing that destroys active ingredients.

Scientific research into this domain yielded the invention of Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract. Considered to be the only garlic supplement that maintains all active compounds in a bioavailable form in the bloodstream.

It is organically grown and cold-aged for 20 months. This process increases the active substances that decrease LDL cholesterol, improve blood circulation, and support healthy blood pressure levels.

It also contains a high level of antioxidants that enhance immune function and reduces the risk of infections at the same time as protecting cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals.

Kyolic garlic becomes odourless through the ageing process, and unlike raw garlic, it does not contain allicin, making it gentle on the stomach and suitable for most people.

Health Benefits of Kyolic Aged Garlic

Heart Health
Kyolic garlic can be used as a preventive as well as a therapeutic supplement for people with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, blood circulation problems or atherosclerosis.

Liver Health
Kyolic garlic stimulates detoxification and helps to protect the liver against oxidation-induced diseases. It can also help in the treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Kyolic garlic helps prevent chronic inflammation and boosts the body’s immune system activity and its natural ability to fight. It also provides anti-microbial protection which is essential for gut health.

Kyolic garlic supplements can be taken daily with food. It’s recommended to consult with a doctor before taking Kyolic garlic in case of taking any medication, being treated for any health conditions or awaiting any surgical procedures.